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Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board Agenda

Wednesday 22 November 2006 at 9.30am in the Little River Service Centre

Community Board: Stephen Lowndes, Winston McKean, Stewart Miller, Bryan Morgan, Bob Parker, Eric Ryder
Akaroa Service Centre Manager: Liz Carter, Telephone: 941 5682, Fax: (03) 304 7731
Community Secretary: Wendy Graham, Telephone: 941 5683, Fax: (03) 304 7731

A copy of the Full Agenda without Appendices is available.

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part C   1 Apologies
Part C   2 Confirmation of Report – 25 October 2006
Part C   3 Confirmation of Report - 9 November 2006
Part B   4 Petitions
Part B   5 Correspondence
Part B   6 Deputations by Appointment
Part B   7 Akaroa Museum Advisory Committee - 18 October 2006
Part B   8 Akaroa Design and Appearance Advisory Committee - 8 November 2006
Part C   9 Little River Visitor Information Centre
Part C   10 Community Board Onboard Printing Costs
Part C   11 Community Board Small Adverts
Part C   12 NZ Community Board Conference 2009
Part C   13 Community Development Small Grants Applications
Part B   14 Community Development Advisor Role
Part B   15 Administration Manager’s Update
Part B   16 Questions
Part B   17 Board Members’ Information Exchange
Part C   18 Resolution to Exclude the Public


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